Water, water everywhere…
Seven rivers
Driving along main roads, it is hard to believe that there are so many rivers, but as soon as you turn off along a country lane, you find yourself heading for a valley ! The region is often known as the Land of 7 Rivers as can be seen in the names of villages : Bruc-sur-Aff, Marsac-sur-Don, Ste-Anne-sur-Vilaine, St-Vincent-sur-Oust…
It goes without saying that such a myriad of valleys has a wealth of diverse scenery which can be enjoyed during different walks and hikes through rolling countryside (with a gentler ‘flat’ option along towpaths !) or while staying at one of the many campsites. The rivers themselves offer a wide choice of water sports and fishing, ranging from gentle leisure pursuits to more thrilling activities.
Grands espaces en Pays de Redon, Bretagne from Destination Pays de Redon on Vimeo.